Autumn Equinox Symbolism & Ceremony

ceremony indigenous culture nature therapy ritual slow living studio Mar 07, 2024
cacao journal and sunshine

Quarterly check-ins you don’t need an ‘excuse’ for

Four times per year I relish in the cyclical transitions of the environment around me. Autumn & Spring Equinox, Winter & Summer Solstice - have been a key part of my quarterly rest & reset time for a while now. I love the way that the earth provides a natural (but subtle) cue for our bodies to shift from one energy to the next. More playful and adventurous, to surrendering and releasing, hibernating and resting, to creation and emergence. Living according to earths’ cycles can be an amazing way for your body to receive the nourishment that it needs in that moment/season, which is in essence a much more sustainable way of being, in my opinion.

“You know, that when you're part of the land and these natural systems, then the land as a sentient system that you're part of, it gives you what you need, you know, from moment to moment.” Tyson Yunkaporta - For the Wild Podcast 362.

Why choose the Autumn Equinox for your new years' reset

I love the equinox and solstice ritual of earth connection, the calendar mark for re-evaluation and re-setting intentions. Autumn Equinox is extra special because it gives us an opportunity to re-assess and re-align after the initial ‘new year’ months and energy have passed. The beginning of the year can always feel like a LOT. Even if we start off with the best of intentions and in a place of slow restful holiday-mode...come February, things always find their way of hastily speeding us up. Autumn Equinox is a time for re-establishing balance and grounding after a potentially hasty (and abundant) start to the new year. During this time of equal day and night we can spend time honouring where we're at and the cycles of change finding their way into our macro and micro-cosms. Welcoming in regeneration and rest as the cooler months eventually settle in. Click here to read more about how ancient cultures aligned with the equinox and solstice.

Are you feeling it? Is your nervous system needing a soothing balm, pick-me-up, or an evening of regeneration after a long week/month? 

My Autumn Equinox rituals

If you know me (or follow my social media every now and again), you'll know that cacao is my ride-or-die rest companion. Pair that with soothing tunes, a cosy nest of supportive yoga props/pillows and blankets, and a bit of incense/candlelit ambiance...and you've got a recipe for deep rest and regenerative nourishment. Yum.

This month I’ll be cosying up to a mug of cacao, lighting some incense and a candle, sitting outdoors in nature (specifically, the Flinders Ranges in Adnyamathanha Country) and connecting into Country. Allowing yourself to surrender to the subtle yet profound healing qualities of simply being out in nature, can be all you need sometimes.

“You gotta be able to spend time out in the land and let the land heal you as well. You know, you need all these things, not just a medication.” Tyson Yunkaporta - For the Wild Podcast 362.

Your own Autumn Equinox rituals 

2 night retreat on the Fleureiu Peninsula/Ngarrindjeri Country

This month myself and Elise (as part of Active Rest Retreats) will be on Ngarrindjeri Country, guiding women through a whole body, mind & soul transformation - connected to land, culture, body, community and self through adventure and restful yoga and breath practices. There’s 2 places left - perfect for you and a friend, sister, mother…

Fleurieu Retreat - Yoga, Culture & Bushwalking on Ngarrindjeri Country March 21-22nd 2024

Evening micro retreat in Port Lincoln/Barngarla Country

If you’re wanting to do the same, it can be confusing about what to do, where to do it and how. Rest assured - there is no perfect way, or right way for that matter. If you want a bit of guidance tho, you can join me in person if you’re based in and around Port Lincoln on the 15th March. OR you can jump into the Slow Living Studio for the recording afterwards to do your own equinox ceremony. 

Autumn Equinox Candlelit Yin, Meditation & Cacao in Port Lincoln March 15th 6.30-8pm

Self made at home retreat anytime anywhere

Transform yourself from overstimulated, overwhelmed and over-committed, to abundant, aligned, and awake. An ever expanding and evolving online collection of practices and resources for slowing down, grounding back in, and coming back home to yourself, over and over again. 

Slow Living Studio

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